COVID-19 Response
Ladywood Outreach are still working hard to support our schools and pupils during these unprecedented times. Below are a variety of links, resources and means of support that are available. Some of these have been developed by the Ladywood Outreach team, others are great resources we have found online - we do not take credit for these and the authors have been acknowledged.
Ladywood Outreach online training
A new range of online courses to suit the needs of Teaching Staff and TA’s. As our e-learning platform is web-based these can be completed by staff working from home too! Each of the courses takes around an hour to complete and comes with a certificate for your ongoing CPD.
Bolton Schools ICT
The team at BSICT have developed a great range of tools to assist home learning on their online learning hub - find them here
SEND - Web links for home learning
Emotional Wellbeing - CYP Kent
Post COVID-19 Resoursces - Nexus School
Top ten tips for SENCO's - Nasen
EEF - Education Endowment Foundation
Supporting Home Learning Routines
7 top tips to support KS1 Children reading at home
7 top tips to support KS2 Children reading at home
Video - Supporting daily routine during school closures
7 tips for mental health - Healthier Lancs & South Cumbria